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New Video Drafts for Critique

eftir Jerdoc

8 fylgjendur
2 athugasemdir

Great demonstration on the difference between erotic massage and tantric massage. This was full tantra. Very relaxing. A pleasure to watch and very intimate. Clearly not about sex and orgasm. He was very caring, gentle and showed he was mainly after relaxing her, giving her pleasure and not rushing into genital or orgasm. Showed the essence of tantra. About the whole body including but not necessarily focused on genital massage. She looked very relaxed and content. He showed no expectation of the need to take anything from her but only to give. Well put together. Also liked the changing music selection.

Athugasemdir félagsmanna

Til hægðarauka hafa sumar athugasemdir verið þýddar sjálfkrafa á það tungumál sem þú velur. Smelltu á „SÝNA ORIGINAL TEXT“ á sjálfvirkt þýddum athugasemdum til að lesa frumritið.

PREMIUM meðlimur
31 mín, hrein ánægja.
31 minutes, pure pleasure.
PREMIUM meðlimur
Frábær sýning á muninum á erótísku nuddi og tantranuddi. Þetta var full tantra. Mjög afslappandi. Gaman að horfa á og mjög innilegt. Greinilega ekki um kynlíf og fullnægingu. Hann var mjög umhyggjusamur, blíður og sýndi að hann var aðallega eftir að slaka á henni, veita henni ánægju og ekki flýta sér í kynfærum eða fullnægingu. Sýndi kjarna tantra. Um allan líkamann þar á meðal en ekki endilega með áherslu á kynfæranudd. Hún virtist mjög afslappuð og ánægð. Hann sýndi enga væntingu um að þurfa að taka neitt frá henni heldur aðeins að gefa. Vel sett saman. Líkaði líka við breytt tónlistarval.
Great demonstration on the difference between erotic massage and tantric massage. This was full tantra. Very relaxing. A pleasure to watch and very intimate. Clearly not about sex and orgasm. He was very caring, gentle and showed he was mainly after relaxing her, giving her pleasure and not rushing into genital or orgasm. Showed the essence of tantra. About the whole body including but not necessarily focused on genital massage. She looked very relaxed and content. He showed no expectation of the need to take anything from her but only to give. Well put together. Also liked the changing music selection.